


光翼展翅‧夢想啟程-阿波羅的誕生 Dreams Take Off - The Birth of Apollo


The first solar car “Apollo I” was made by Professor Herchang Ay and students in 1998.  Its debut was at the “21st century renewable energy technology expo” in November of the same year. Though it was only an exhibit and could not be driven, many people were attracted to its space shuttle form and the media honored it as “The Solar Car with Wings”.


A futuristic solar car built from scratch by teacher and students symbolizes the beginning of a dream, especially when Taiwan didn’t have a photovoltaic industry at that time. It signifies that the mainstream industry in Taiwan will shift from semi-conductors to photovoltaics.




1998   阿波羅1


1999   阿波羅2

立足台灣‧放眼國際 Reaching the World from Taiwan   

.                     2000年著手設計符合「世界太陽能車競賽」規定的參賽型太陽能車「阿波羅三號」時,第三代設計就耗時八個月;首先製造縮小模型以測試風阻,來提升性能,車內駕駛座設計更符合人體工學原理,並考量駕駛的安全,特別在車體的材料,開始應用航太工程的三明治複合材料結構,讓全車有更安全及輕量化的車殼與車體。

In year 2000, the designing of solar car “Apollo III”to meet the regulations of the “World Solar Challenge” began. Eight months alone were spent on the design of the third generation solar car. First, a miniature model was built to test its wind resistance in order to improve performance. Secondly, ergonomics was applied to the design of the driver seat and the driver’s safety had to be taken into consideration. The material used for the body was the sandwich composite applied in aerospace engineering to build a safer and lighter car.


In December 2001, Apollo III was completed with it maximum speed reaching 100 km. It was showcased in the “solar car special exhibition” at the national science and technology museum during the New Year period in 2002. It successfully finished the 700 km “solar car around Taiwan” test drive at the end of the same year, setting the record for solar cars challenging long distance local roads.



2001  阿波羅3

2002   12- 完成總長約700公里「太陽能車—南北走透透」

初試啼聲‧一鳴驚人 Astounding First Try        

.          「南北走透透」路試挑戰成功,一群人懷抱與艾和昌相同夢想的學生,毫無懼色地加入太陽能車隊,並以完成參加世界太陽能車挑戰賽為目標。2003年初全世界都慘遭SARS襲擊,又以亞洲地區風險最高,在全台灣風聲鶴唳中讓車隊被迫分頭製車,學生整個暑假住在工廠內不眠不休地趕工,終於在10月初完成披覆高效率砷化鎵太陽電池的阿波羅四號,並空運澳洲參加第七屆世界太陽能車挑戰賽(WSC2003)。此競賽自1987年開賽以來,第一次有台灣隊伍的參賽,阿波羅太陽能車隊雖首次參賽,卻能在亞洲隊伍中,行駛速度最快地完成3,021公里賽程,名列世界第七,優異表現不僅讓台灣打破參加世界太陽能車競賽的零紀錄,同時也刷新了我國太陽能車挑戰長距離的一般道路行駛紀錄。


After successfully challenging the “solar car around Taiwan” test drive, a group of people who bore the same dream as Professor Ay and his students fearlessly joined the solar car team with the aim of completing the “World Solar Challenge”. In 2003, the whole world was under attacked by SARS with an especially high risk in Asia. The team was forced to split up and work independently. After working overtime and living in the factory for a whole summer, the students finally finished building the high efficiency GaAs solar cell covered “Apollo IV” and competed in the “7th World Solar Challenge”. This challenge was initiated in 1987, and for the first time a Taiwanese team participated. Though it was their first try, they finished the 3021 km race 1st among the Asian teams and came in 7th among all participants.  The outstanding performance not only set the record for Taiwan attending the “World Solar Challenge”, but also broke the record of solar cars challenging long distance driving on local roads in Taiwan.

夢想在一瞬間成為真實,對阿波羅車隊所有人,尤其是艾和昌,感受尤為深刻;但在成功果實的背後,卻是房子抵押貸款、六張信用卡刷爆的代價,回到台灣需面對龐大債務壓力。緊接而來,2004年雅典奧運開幕前的「Phaethon 2004(世界太陽能車拉力賽),在獲得第一屆Keep Walking 夢想資助計畫下,原班人馬將能開拔前進雅典,計有9個國家22隊參加,阿波羅四號太陽能車是我國唯一代表隊,雖賽前一度發生翻車意外,但終能克服萬難,繼續參賽,最後贏得世界第四名成績。


Having their dream come true in an instant was quite overwhelming for team Apollo, especially for Professor Ay, but behind their success is the price of a heavy debt load: a mortgage and six maxed out credit cards. Soon after, with funding from the “Keep Walking fund”, the same team went to Athens to participate in “Phaethon 2004” (solar car race right before the 2004 Olympics). A total of 9 countries and 22 teams attended and Apollo IV is the only representative of our country. Though a car accident happened before the race, the team still overcame all obstacles and continued on with the competition, coming in 4th in the end.


阿波羅 PLUS 

2005   日本鈴鹿夢幻盃第九名

2006   台灣世界太陽能車拉力賽第五名

極致工藝‧屢創佳績 Zenith Craft Outstanding Performance

.                     阿波羅五號的打造,就是為了在世界大賽中奪標,流線型外型大幅地減少風阻,美觀藝術造型呈現太陽能賽車設計的極限,全車體碳纖一體成形,也大幅地減輕重量,藉由電腦即時監測運行資訊,使駕駛更容易掌控性能表現,在平均時速130公里高速行駛下,仍具有優越穩定性。自2005年起至2008年,阿波羅五號曾經參加日本、澳洲及台灣舉辦的世界大賽,計有6次之多,堪稱是參加世界太陽能車賽最多的太陽能車,且有多次獲世界第二名佳績的記錄。

Apollo V was built to win the “World Solar Challenge”. Its streamline body reduces wind resistance considerably and its artistic profile is the apex of solar race car designs. The body is built with a one piece carbon fiber, which significantly reduces weight. With a computer monitoring driving conditions in real time, the driver has better control of performance and the car maintains superior stability at an average high speed of 130 km/hr. From 2005-2008, Apollo V has participated in a total of 6 world competitions in Japan, Australia and Taiwan, the most races any solar car has ever attended with a record of coming in 2nd several times.



2005   澳洲世界太陽能車挑戰賽第七名

2006   台灣世界太陽能車拉力賽第二名     日本鈴鹿夢幻盃第四名及MITSUBA最上位獎

2007   日本鈴鹿夢幻盃第二名及三重縣知事獎    澳洲世界太陽能車挑戰賽冒險組第二名

2008   日本鈴鹿夢幻盃第二名及三重縣知事獎

商轉概念‧開拓新局 Business Concepts Open Up a Whole New World

.                    全球發展20多年的太陽能車,開始走向商轉倒數計時,世界大賽製車規範也有大幅度修正,例如駕駛需具符合人體工學的坐姿、車上組件需相關製造商出具證明等,高應大的阿波羅六號太陽能車,獲禧通科技贊助高效率的砷化鎵太陽電池,並由車隊成員自行封裝,幾乎是百分之百的國產太陽能車。2010年參加北美兩年一次的世界太陽能車挑戰賽,特別是自1990年開賽以來,首次有台灣太陽能車隊參賽;2011年獲友達光電贊助轉換效率達22%的單結晶背電極太陽電池,並採自行開發及獨步全國的輕質封裝技術,應用在已切割的背電極電池模組封裝,再度出征澳洲世界太陽能車挑戰賽,雖比賽前後連續發生兩次意外,但終能克服萬難,繼續參賽,為台灣在世界大賽中爭取更高榮譽,讓世界看到台灣!

 Solar cars have been developed for over 20 years worldwide and it’s time it went commercial. There have been huge changes in the car building regulations of world competitions, such as the driver seat must meet ergonomic requirements, parts in the car must have supporting documents from the manufacturer…etc. Apollo VI of National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences was sponsored by Millennium Communications with a GaAs solar cell which was encapsulated by the team members, making it almost 100% “Made in Taiwan”. Apollo VI attended the solar car challenge in North America that took place every two years, making them the first Taiwanese team since its initiation in 1990. In 2011, the team was sponsored by AUO with a back contact monocrystalline silicon solar cell that has a power conversion efficiency of 22% and they applied their privately developed, unique light encapsulating technique on the cut back contact solar cell module to compete in the Australian World Challenge again. Though there were two accidents before and during the competition, they were still able to persist against all odds, striving for victory so Taiwan can be known to the world.



 2010美國太陽能挑戰賽(ASC)第七名   (亞洲首次完賽隊伍)

看見台灣科技的軟實力See the soft power of Taiwan's technology

.        2013年推出的第七代阿波羅太陽能車,不再以展現競速為目的,而是希望發展以商用的都會型房車為目標。全新打造的阿波羅都市型太陽電動車,兩人座四輪;採具吸引力、張力、低風阻的流線型造型設計;全車長<4.5m、寬<1.8m、高1.2m;碳纖複材車體結構;巡航時速達100公里,使用CAN bus(控制器區域網路)搭配軟體撰寫程式取得車輛資訊;藉自行開發車載雲端智慧運算平台,根據雲端天候、路況及車況資料計算行駛最佳化策略,並可同時考慮多個目標最佳化。


 The Apollo VII, was build in 2013, the main goal is to develop a commercialize city RV instead of racing vehicle.  Two seats, four wheels Apollo VII solar car is designed for streamline and modern body with more attractive, and lower air drag.  The length is less than 4.5m, width is less than 1.8m and 1.2m in height. The body structure is constructed by carbon composites, and the speed can be up to 100 km per hour. The CAN bus with software can collect the car’s data information instantaneously.  According to the weather, road condition and data from Apollo VII, the optimization strategy will conduct with the smart cloud-computing platform which developed by Apollo team.   Beside, it can be considered the optimization of multi-goals in here.

 The new generation of Apollo car is designed for dual seats instead of single seat.  It looks like a lying kangaroo from side view of the previous Apollo VII with color of blue and golden yellow.  It is a friendly vehicle compare to the Apollo cars developed of three-wheel.  Another advantage is the price friendly.  Usually the solar car will cost several millions, it is more competitive and the price will be reduced to $800000 if it is on mass production.  


2013         澳洲世界太陽能車挑戰賽第六名

全台第一輛 太陽能車掛牌  

.        阿波羅七代車全車長4.5米、寬1.8米、高1.2米,不含駕駛及蓄電池淨重二百五十餘公斤,最高時速達100公里。更換轉換效率達22%的單結晶背電極太陽電池,並採自行開發的輕質封裝技術,應用在背電極電池模組封裝,此關鍵技術堪稱獨步全國。此外,為解決長途賽程輪胎的大量耗損,此次自行開模製作太陽能車專屬低摩擦輪胎與輕質化輪圈;全車電控為最新技術,使全新的阿波羅七代車速度及性能更具優越穩定性。



2017         澳洲世界太陽能車挑戰賽巡航組第六名



.        阿波羅八號太陽能車全車長4.55米、寬1.94米、高1.1米,不含駕駛淨重260公斤,最高時速達110公里。車上鋪設轉換效率達24.3%的單結晶矽背電極太陽電池模組,採自行開發的輕質封裝技術。此外,為解決長途賽程輪胎的大量耗損,自行開模製作太陽能車專屬低摩擦係數輪胎與輕量化輪圈,使阿波羅八號太陽能車重量、速度及性能均更具優越穩定性。

 「與太陽共生 為人類下一個五十年打造未來」
